The Role of Oxytocin for Birth

The Role of Oxytocin for Birth

Oxytocin, also known as the love hormone, is so important for labour and birth.  It is one of my favourite things to talk about. Let’s explore it further. 

What is Oxytocin? Oxytocin is a hormone produced in the hypothalamus and released into the bloodstream by the pituitary gland. It is commonly associated with bonding, love, and trust. Its role goes beyond this when it comes to labour and birth.

Oxytocin and Contractions - Oxytocin's main role during labour is to stimulate contractions, we need this for labour to progress. It also boosts the production of prostaglandins, which further increases contractions. As the strength and frequency of contractions increase, the cervix dilates and the baby moves through the birth canal. 

Birth of the Placenta  - Oxytocin also plays a role in the third stage of labour, the birth of the placenta. This phase is important for preventing postpartum haemorrhage and ensuring the mother's well-being after birth.

Oxytocin and Bonding - Oxytocin is released during skin-to-skin contact and breastfeeding, helping the bond between mum and baby.

What influences Oxytocin - Oxytocin is naturally released during labour but different factors can influence its production. The environment, emotional state, and the support team all play a role. Stress, fear, and interventions can potentially hinder the natural release of oxytocin, emphasising the importance of a supportive, comfortable and calm environment for birth.

How can we boost oxytocin in labour? During labour the presence of a trusted partner, family member or doula can provide reassurance and comfort to the birthing person.

Minimising Interventions - In cases where medical interventions are necessary, healthcare providers can aim to find a balance that allows for the natural release of oxytocin. limiting unnecessary interventions and creating an atmosphere of trust. This can have such a positive impact on the birth. Massage and gentle touch trigger oxytocin and help the birthing person feel safe, calm and supported.

The environment is so important – dimmed lights release melatonin which works together with oxytocin to drive contractions. Essential oils and smells can help the woman feel calm and relaxed. Ensuring the environment is calm and quiet is so important.

Is it the same as synthetic oxytocin? Synthetic oxytocin (sometimes called syntocinon or pitocin) is given through an IV and can cause contractions that are longer, stronger and closer together than the body would naturally produce. Synthetic oxytocin inhibits the secretion of naturally produced oxytocin. Although they both share the same chemical structure, synthetic oxytocin is not released in the brain so it doesn’t have the same soothing effect as natural oxytocin. 

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