Comfort Measures for Birth

Comfort Measures for Birth

Comfort Measures for Birth

Labour and birth are so unique and everyone’s experience is different, but we all want to feel comforted and supported during our birth. Finding what feels best for each person is key.

Let’s look at some comfort measures for labour and birth in this blog.

The Environment 

  • Birth hormones prefer dark or dimmed lights so turn off main lights and use warm soft lights like fairy lights and tea lights. Think romance and create a beautiful and calm space.
  • Use an eye mask to go inward and rest.
  • Choose relaxing music or guided meditations to promote relaxation.
  • Bring personal items, such as photos, your own blanket, your vision board and your birth ball to make the space feel familiar and comforting.


  • Essential oils can be an amazing tool for birth. Evidence shows different essential oils can affect mood, blood pressure, perception of pain and concentration.
  • Choose ones that are suitable for pregnancy and birth.


  • A warm bath or shower can provide comfort during labour and ease pain. It also promotes relaxation.
  • A birth pool can be amazing for labour and birth. Using water brings lots of advantages, including less need for pain relief and increased maternal satisfaction.

 Massage Techniques 

  • Gentle massage or counterpressure on the lower back, shoulders, and hips can alleviate tension and discomfort.
  • Partners, doulas and support persons can play a crucial role in providing hands-on support.
  • The use of a rebozo is incredible for labour. There are so many techniques you can use with the rebozo for massage and positioning etc.


  • Encourage the birthing person to explore various positions, such as walking, swaying, or rocking, to find what feels most comfortable.
  • Changing positions can help the progress of labour and ease discomfort.
  • The toilet, also called the ‘dilation station’ is a great place to be during labour. Sitting on the toilet can help you relax and open your pelvic floor.
  • Consider the use of a peanut ball if you have to or want to be on the bed during labour. Side lying on a peanut ball can help open the pelvis and gives baby more space.

     Heat and cold

    • Using a warm compress can help with pain.
    • A fan can help cool you down and provide comfort.
    • Get your support person to roll a soft drink can along your back, this can be really comforting during labour.

     Maternity TENS

    • Using a TENS machine for labour can help manage pain. This deserves a whole blog post on its own.

     Continuous Support

    • Having a trusted support person, such as a partner, doula, or friend, can provide emotional support throughout labour and birth.
    • Continuous support has been linked to shorter labours and increased satisfaction.


    • Affirmations give confidence, reduce anxiety, and empower you during labour and birth.
    • Create a mind movie and visualise a calm and positive birth. Replay it over and over and write it down during your pregnancy.
    • Fear releasing tasks can be really helpful before birth.
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